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What documents must be requested to rent If you are an owner and are looking to rent, you should know what documents you need to request to rent an apartment . Despite being a simple procedure, it is essential that you gather all the essential documentation to start searching for your new tenant. To do …


Renting an apartment in Seville: What are the procedures to follow? Currently, the real estate market in Spain offers great opportunities whether you are a landlord or tenant. In Seville, specifically, there is a boom in demand for rental apartments , so it is important to know all the necessary procedures so that the process …


Where and how to request a simple note? To sell a flat, there are many elements that we must take into account. Among them is the simple note , one of the most important documents for the procedure. This includes all the information about the home, from its owner to its location. If you are …


When should you not return the rental deposit in Madrid? One of the most important aspects that worries owners when renting their property is what will happen to the rental deposit. Although renting an apartment in Madrid may be a decision that causes some doubts, you should know that tenants are required to present a …


Model deposit contract: How to write it the simplest 

The deposit contract in a purchase and sale process commits both parties to carrying out the operation. This is a private agreement between buyer and seller and is the most common in these types of procedures. If your intention is to sell an apartment online with Housfy, it will be good for you to consult …


Model to terminate a rental contract: what

During a current tenancy, there are many reasons why a tenancy agreement can be terminated. Conditions and consequences will vary depending on the terminating party. Housfy’s team of experts will guide you at all times to rent a safe apartment , although, if what you need is to write the termination document, in this article …